Why does business need spiritual power?

Business management must rely on the spiritual power of philosophy and morality, which can affect the healthy development of the enterprise for a longer time. The core method of cultivating this power is to define and implement the enterprise management policy.

The well-defined business philosophy and vision goals are conducive to the cohesion of the enterprise and are one of the important tasks of entrepreneurs.

Business management must rely on the spiritual power of philosophy and morality, which can affect the healthy development of the enterprise for a longer time. The core method of cultivating this power is to define and implement the enterprise management policy.

Why do companies need business policies? Can be interpreted from the following four aspects.

1. The need to express the ideals and goals

In order to convey the management will to the inside and outside of the enterprise and stimulate the enthusiasm of employees, it is necessary to elaborate on the enterprise’s management philosophy. The so-called business philosophy of an enterprise refers to the language expression that the enterprise has value or purpose besides making money.

The corporate vision and goals are the entrepreneur’s description of the company’s long-term and even ultimate goals. The well-defined business philosophy and vision goals are conducive to the cohesion of the enterprise and are one of the important tasks of entrepreneurs.

Second, the need to regulate business behavior

Business operations must be governed by laws or ethics. In order to better guide and restrict employee behaviors, companies also need to emphasize them in the form of values.

Some companies have no specific definition, or the definition has not been implemented. Many companies have caused scandals because they do not have strong value constraints.

3. The need to improve management efficiency

The process of business operations is complex, and the actions of employees are specific and diverse. In business operations, employees may encounter new problems and new situations quickly, and need to make quick judgments.

▼ If there is no guidance of values ​​or codes of conduct, two situations may occur: a. Everyone does their own thing, doing things based on their own experience or feelings, and may make mistakes; b. Asking the leader to report to the leader without details, the management efficiency is low , May also lose the best time to deal with the problem.

►When encountering customer complaints, if there is no support of values ​​and codes of conduct, employees may have deviations in their coping attitudes, causing losses to the company.

At a time when enterprise competition is becoming more and more fierce, the operating policy is by no means optional, and it will show more important value.

4. The need to build corporate culture

Corporate culture is an important part of corporate competitiveness. It can not only give a company different qualities, but also play a role in cohesion of the team and inspiring employees.

If an enterprise can use advanced management policies to restrain employees, influence employees, and develop good habits, then the company has an excellent corporate culture.

▼Corporate culture usually consists of three parts: 1. The core value concept, that is, the company’s business policy; 2. The employee’s behavior habits and action wisdom, that is, the employee’s long-term habit of doing things; 3. Various types of external Visualize cultural symbols.

In addition to business philosophy, vision, goals, values, and code of conduct, it can also be discussed in terms of “corporate ethics” in order to better regulate employee behavior, improve work efficiency, and sublimate the connotation of corporate culture.

Source  https://read01.com/zh-tw/JjnB8R.html#.XxAKU20zZpg

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